The objectives of this study are to 1) analyze the utilization of
SPP funds in Bunga Pasang I Village IV Jurai District Pesisir Selatan
Regency, 2) analyze the development of SPP funds distribution in
reducing poverty in Bunga Pasang I Village IV Jurai District Pesisir
Selatan Regency, and 3) analyze the utilization of SPP funds in women
empowerment efforts. This study uses qualitative methods the technique
in choosing the informants is by using snowball sampling first and then
purposive sampling techniques. Then the research data are analyzed based
on Miles’ and Huberman’s steps: data reduction, data display, and
drawing and verifying conclusion. Based on the results of the study
according to the research problem, 1) why the utilization of funds SPP,
SPP funds mostly used for purposes other than capital. Since there are
no sanctions for members who utilize the funds in addition to venture
capital, joined in a friend that does not utilize the funds tuition for
business, do not have the expertise would try anything, as well as an
urgent need of funds received as pay tuition debt, and cultural
consumption. 2) for members who use tuition funds for venture capital,
profits from his business to help cover the family’s needs and vice
versa members utilize for purposes other than business, the SPP funding
new burden because they have to think about paying monthly installments.
3) for members who utilize the funds for the business of SPP, SPP
funding to empower members to make women more independent,
self-confident. But for those members who do not utilize the funds for
business grants SPP does not empower its members.
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